We Unequivocally Stand with Black Lives Matter
We at Mad Hatter Wellness unequivocally believe that Black Lives Matter.
We believe that the liberation of all people is tied together. With that said, our small business primary consists of white people. We know it is the job of white people to end systematic racism. Many of the people we work and interact with have expressed feelings of helplessness or confusion on how to start supporting #BlackLivesMatter. One of the best courses of action for white people is to take the lead of Black, Indigenous, People of Color and Disabled activists. Calls to action created by and for oppressed communities are often the most effective way to support them. We gathered resources and action steps from local and national individual activists and organizations that are all working for the liberation of all intersections of people. Please share additional resources, people to follow and action steps in the comments.
Do the best you can until you know better.
Then when you know better, do better.
-Maya Angelou
Mutual Aid & Reparations
- Donate supplies in your community. Find current needs at various locations here.
- Redistribute your wealth to black community members for whatever they need (groceries, rent, self-care, etc). Give with dignity and trust; people do not owe others an explanation or excessive information justifying their needs. Give directly to a person (avoid the middleman organizations that eat up a majority of your donations for operating costs). This document outlines the benefits of cash aid. Find cash aid opportunities here.
Support national anti-racism and police accountability funds such as the Equal Justice Initiative and Minnesota Justice Coalition.
Donate supplies and/or funds to Brooklyn Center community members affected by current events. See here for a daily updated list of opportunities.
Contribute to The Daunte Wright Senior Memorial Fund — Organized by Daunte Wright’s aunt and supported by his family members. Funds will help with funeral and burial expenses, mental health and grief counseling, support for Daunte’s infant son, Daunte Wright, Jr., and to help the Wright family in the fight for justice.
- Many major news outlets are inherently biased, favor systems/ideas that benefit white people, and withhold information. Diversify your news sources by referring to Georgia Fort, Demetrius Pendleton (Black CNN), Unicorn Riot, and others.
- Assess your own standing within racism and identify your biases with this scale.
- Educate yourself about antiracism.
- This is a great document for white people listing resources such as articles, videos, podcasts, books, etc.
- One Action a Day Calendar (just a few minutes each day)
- Demand the release of protestors who were arrested and to end the use of teargas and flashbangs against protesters and community members!
*Governor Tim Walz — 651–201–3400 or contact form
*Pub Safety Cmsnr John Harrington- 651- 201–7160 or dps.commissioners@state.mn.us
*State Patrol Col. Matt Langer- 651–201–7100 or patrol.pio@state.mn.us
- Demand the rejection of bill SF 2381 attempting to make arrested protestors ineligible for any loans or assistance. Contact your MN senate members.
- Encourage your house and senate reps to pass the bill, End Police-Only Responses to Mental Health Crisis Calls (HF 1686, SF 1924) to require 911 calls to send mental health crisis response teams when needed.
- Evaluate your skill set and consider what you could provide in your community. Maybe it is cooking meals, providing medical care, translating, acting as a legal observer, or something else.
- Fight racism in everyday life. If you hear something racist (even if unintentional), call that person in. Ask them to explain what they meant. Have a discussion about how it was wrong and/or correct any misinformation.
- Attend protests in your community. Make space for Black voices. Use your privilege as a white person to protect Black protestors and community members if needed. Review A Guide for White people taking part in #BlackLivesMatter Protests before attending any protests.
- This Friday: A Community Activation Week for George Floyd — Day 2: Healing Rally
- Free Gentle Yoga Class this Sunday, April 25 at 2 pm.
- Healing Our City Interfaith Prayer Tent
“In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.” — Angela Y. Davis
Follow us on social media and contact us with any questions you have!
info@madhatterwellness.com (email us!)
Facebook: @madhatterwellness
Twitter: @madhatterwell
Instagram: @madhatterwellness
Blog: medium.com/sfaabilities