This is such a great story from WCCO & CBS News Minnesota - highlighting the joyful celebration of Disability Pride yesterday along with Katie Thune sharing her message and the work of Mad Hatter Wellness. This event was organized by the fabulous folks at ACT - Advocating Change Together.
Check out this story on 13 WGME Portland! Katie shares about the Empowered Together program and the work we are doing with organizations in Maine.
A conversation with Dr. Marcia
Katie Thune, joined Dr. Marcia Nathai-Balkissoon on the Special Needs Parent Podcast to discuss sexual health and wellbeing for individuals with disabilities. Katie emphasizes the importance of teaching sexual health from a young age and the need for ongoing conversations throughout a person's life.
Katie talks with Eric Jorgensen about Sexuality for All Abilities and all that Mad Hatter Wellness has to offer. In this important conversation, Katie sheds light on tough topics like healthy relationships, boundaries, consent, and safety. As she says, “The more we talk about it, the easier it gets.”
A conversation with Cindy Scharkey
Mad Hatter Wellness Educator Anna Hayek has a conversation with Cindy Scharkey of Permission for Pleasure. They spend time exploring how all people, regardless of abilities, are sexual beings, and deserve access to sexual health education. In addition to background information on sex ed for all abilities and what Mad Hatter Wellness does, they discuss tools, language and strategies for parents and caregivers.
Reframing Our Stories with Kara Haug
In this episode, Kara Haug of Reframing Our Stories talks with Anna Hayek, Mad Hatter Wellness Educator, and Marco Orlando, peer educator and advocate, on the topic of sexuality health education for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and the community that supports them.
We were honored and enthusiastic about expressing our support for Comprehensive Sex Education for Youth with Disabilities in this report, as well as to share our curriculum as a resource. Read more about the history, research and hope for the future of Sex Education for young people with disabilities.
A conversation on MPR about Sex Ed and People with Intellectual Disabilities
Katie had the opportunity to sit down with host Marianne Combs, NPR reporter Joseph Shapiro, and local attorney Patrick Noaker for a conversation about sexual education and people with intellectual disabilities.

What is a True Friend?
Campers and staff from around the world came together at Courage North of True Friends in Bemidji, MN in the summer of 2018 to talk about what it means to be a true friend. This awesome video was created as result of a partnership with Courage North and Mad Hatter Wellness.