Let's Talk Month

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Let's Talk Month October Logo

October is Let's Talk Month

...a time when we focus on honoring that PARENTS & CAREGIVERS are the primary sexuality educator in a young person's life.

If you haven't yet, sign up for our Sexuality for All Abilities Newsletter to stay up-to-date on our upcoming free support calls for parents and educators, our curriculum trainings, and our favorite resources.

Overview of Services

Communication and modeling behaviors about sexual health, wellness, hygiene, relationships, boundaries, consent, and safety start at home.  Our children look to us to figure out all this stuff!  And like so many lessons from parents, the modeling, support, and access to information does not stop when that child turns 18 - even if your child is an adult, you may still be playing a very important role in supporting developing relationships, life plans, and access to sexual health services.  This is likely especially true if you are the parent/caregiver to a person with special needs.

Mad Hatter Wellness specializes in supporting parents who are raising children of ALL abilities, but especially those with special needs. We offer group education and 1:1 consulting to parents and clients (self-advocates) and train professionals (school/program staff) in our Sexuality for All Abilities Curriculum. By using a whole-systems approach to sexuality education (school, home, individual), we see real change happen.... and, you guessed it, it all starts at home!


Discounts Available on our Family/ Caregiver Home-Based Education Kit

This October and November, Mad Hatter Wellness is offering a discount on our Family/Caregiver Home-Based Education Kit. This kit includes our family discussion guild, our favorite teaching tools for learning about relationships, boundaries, safety, consent, and privacy, PLUS a 30-minute Zoom-based parent education consult with Kim Rossow, Parent/Caregiver Education Specialist.

To purchase this kit and schedule a virtual consultation, visit our shop. Here you will find discussion guides, a virtual self-paced course, and a variety of teaching tools that can be used at home or a school/program setting.

Keeping Relationships Healthy Kit + 30 minute Zoom Support Call

Monthly Parent/Caregiver Calls

Did you know we have monthly Parent/Caregiver calls to support you?  Register to join us for this month's Parent/Caregiver call on October 20th 5-6pm CDT.

Join the Conversation

Parents, We Got This.

It's a weird, upside down sort of year - why not go ahead and try something new when it comes to parenting...

 Leave your books about bodies and puberty out in the open in your living room (instead of hidden on the bookshelves).

When singing “head, shoulders, knees, and toes” just keep going – review all the parts of the body! 🎶

You know the part: “eyes and ears and mouth aaaaaand nose…” try instead: “penis, vulva, nipples and your butt, these are the private parts to know!”

Make sure your child’s communication device list all the body parts, even the parts covered by underwear.

Make a time and place for your child to have privacy; teach your child the language, the sign, or the communication device command to ask for “private time” as needed…. And, yes, this means give them space to touch their private parts and/or masturbate.

Assume your child with special needs will someday want to date or form a special partnership with another person. Begin envisioning the skills your child needs for that relationship to be feasible, consensual, and meaningful to your child.

This is not a *task* that a parent needs to do – it’s a way of thinking. It's being responsive to everyday moments in the natural environment. And, like all aspects of parenting, when the going gets tough and you get stuck, turn to your friends and experts for support – Mad Hatter Wellness is here to help you!

You can reach the Mad Hatter Wellness Parent/Caregiver Education Specialist, Kim Rossow, directly at kim@sfaabilities.com.